Migrate a Phone Number to a New WABA (Disabling 2FA for WhatsApp)

In order to start the migration of a phone number from a Business Solution Provider (BSP) to MOBIWEB as your BSP, disabling the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is one of the requirements. Below you’ll find the steps to disable the 2FA for your WhatsApp number in Meta.

Step 1

Login your Meta Business Suite https://business.facebook.com/home/accounts, log in using your credentials, and click the “Whatsapp Manager” icon.

Step 2

You’ll find all the phone numbers connected to the WhatsApp Account you’ve selected. Click the ‘Settings’ icon for the number you like to turn off the 2FA for.

Step 3

The Business Admin (Owner of the WhatsApp Business Account) can disable 2FA directly from WhatsApp Business Manager > Phone Numbers > Configurations > Two-step confirmation: There will be an option to disable or enable it.