WABA Common Error Code

CodeDescriptionPossible SolutionsHTTP Status Code


Message Undeliverable
Unable to deliver message. Reasons can include:

  • The recipient phone number is not a WhatsApp phone number
  • Sending an authentication template to a WhatsApp user who has a +91 country calling code (India). Authentication templates currently cannot be sent to WhatsApp users in India
  • Recipient has not accepted our new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
  • Recipient using an old WhatsApp version; must use the following WhatsApp version or greater:
    • Android:
    • SMBA:
    • iOS:
    • SMBI:
    • KaiOS: 2.2130.10
    • Web: 2.2132.6
  • The message was not delivered to create a high-quality user experience. See Per-User Marketing Template Message Limits.

Using a non-WhatsApp Communication method, ask the WhatsApp user to:

  • Confirm that they can actually send a message to your WhatsApp business phone number.
  • Confirm that they have accepted our latest Terms of Service (Settings > Help, or Settings > Application information will prompt them to accept the latest terms/policies if they haven’t done so already)
  • Update to the latest version of the WhatsApp client.


Bad Request

Possible Reasons

This error may occur due to one of these reasons –

  • The recipient phone number is not a WhatsApp phone number
  • Recipient Phone Number has blocked your business
  • Recipient has not accepted WhatsApp’s new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
  • Recipient using an old WhatsApp version; must use the following WhatsApp version or greater:
    • Android:
    • SMBA:
    • iOS:
    • SMBI:
    • KaiOS: 2.2130.10
    • Web: 2.2132.6

How to solve this?

Using a non-WhatsApp communication method, ask the WhatsApp user to:

  • Confirm that they can actually send a message to your WhatsApp business phone number.
  • Confirm that your WhatsApp business phone number is not in their list of blocked numbers (Settings > Privacy > Blocked or Blocked contacts).
  • Confirm that they have accepted WhatsApp’s latest Terms of Service (Settings > Help, or Settings > Application information will prompt them to accept the latest terms/policies if they haven’t done so already)
  • Update to the latest version of the WhatsApp client.