How to Apply for WhatsApp Business API Green Tick Verification?

Discover how to apply Green Tick Verification for your WhatsApp Business API.


Obtaining the WhatsApp Business API Green Tick Verification can significantly enhance your business’s credibility and trust among customers. The green tick badge signifies that WhatsApp has authenticated your business, ensuring that customers recognize your account as a verified and trustworthy source. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to apply for the WhatsApp Business API Green Tick Verification.

What is WhatsApp Business API Green Tick Verification?

The WhatsApp Business API Green Tick Verification is a verification badge provided by WhatsApp to authentic businesses. This green tick appears next to your business name, indicating to customers that your business account is verified and legitimate. It’s a mark of authenticity that helps build trust and improves customer engagement.

Benefits of Green Tick Verification

  • Increased Trust

    Customers are more likely to trust and interact with a verified busines

  • Enhanced Credibility

    Stand out from competitors with the green tick badge.

  • Improved Engagament

    Higher message open rates and engagement due to increased customer confidence.

Eligibility Criteria

Before applying for the Green Tick Verification, ensure your business meets the following criteria:
  • WhatsApp Business API Account

    Your business must use the WhatsApp Business API.

  • Complete Business Profile

    Ensure your business profile is fully updated with accurate information.

  • Compliance with WhatsApp Policies

    Adhere to WhatsApp’s commerce and business policies.

Steps to Apply for WhatsApp Business API Green Tick Verification

Set Up Your WhatsApp Business API Account

You can register your WhatsApp Business API account through our company, as we are an official WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP): 

  • Accurate Information: Ensure all information provided is accurate and up to date. 
  • Strong Online Presence: Maintain a professional and active online presence, including a website and social media profiles. 
  • Policy Compliance: Adhere strictly to WhatsApp’s policies and guidelines. 

Ensure Compliance with WhatsApp Policies

Review and ensure your business complies with WhatsApp’s commerce and business policies. Any violations can lead to the rejection of your verification request.

Apply through Meta Facebook Business Web Portal

To apply for the WhatsApp Business API Green Tick Verification, follow these steps:
  • Access Facebook Business Manager: Go to the Facebook Business Manager.
  • Business Verification: Ensure your business is verified in the Facebook Business Manager. You can start the verification process in the Business Settings under the Security Center.
  • Request Verification for WhatsApp:
      1. Go to the WhatsApp Manager section within in the Facebook Business Manager.
      2.  Select the phone number you want to verify.
      3. Click on “Settings” and then “Request Official Business Account“. 
  • Submit Required Information: 
      1. Provide necessary details such as your business name, business category, and region. 
      2. Submit the required documentation, including proof of business registration and proof of address. 
  • Wait for Approval: After submitting your application, Facebook and WhatsApp will review it. This process can take from a few days to several weeks. 

Review and Approval Process

After submitting your application, WhatsApp will review it. This process can take from a few days to several weeks. During this period, ensure your business remains compliant with all policies and guidelines.

Verification and Badge Display

If your application is apprved, the green tick will appear next to your business name on WhatsApp. Congratulations, your business is now verified!

Tips for a Successful Application

  • Accurate Information: Ensure all information provided is accurate and up to date. 
  • Strong Online Presence: Maintain a professional and active online presence, including a website and social media profiles. 
  • Policy Compliance: Adhere strictly to WhatsApp’s policies and guidelines. 

Common Reasons for Rejection

  • Incomplete Information: Missing or incorrect information in the application.
  • Policy Violations: Non-compliance with WhatsApp’s policies.
  • Insufficient Documentation: Not providing the necessary documentation for verification. 


Applying for the WhatsApp Business API Green Tick Verification can significantly boost your business’s credibility and customer’s trust. By following the steps outlined in this guide and ensuring compliance with WhatsApp’s policies, you can enhance your chances of obtaining the verification badge. If you need assistance with the application process, don’t hesitate to contact us. As an official WhatsApp Business Solution Provider, we are here to help you every step of the way.

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